Hamlib  1.2.15
mem.c File Reference

Memory and channel interface. More...

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <hamlib/rig.h>


int rig_set_mem (RIG *rig, vfo_t vfo, int ch)
 set the current memory channel number
int rig_get_mem (RIG *rig, vfo_t vfo, int *ch)
 get the current memory channel number
int rig_set_bank (RIG *rig, vfo_t vfo, int bank)
 set the current memory bank
int rig_set_channel (RIG *rig, const channel_t *chan)
 set channel data
int rig_get_channel (RIG *rig, channel_t *chan)
 get channel data
int rig_set_chan_all_cb (RIG *rig, chan_cb_t chan_cb, char *arg)
 set all channel data, by callback
int rig_get_chan_all_cb (RIG *rig, chan_cb_t chan_cb, char *arg)
 get all channel data, by callback
int rig_set_chan_all (RIG *rig, const channel_t chans[])
 set all channel data
int rig_get_chan_all (RIG *rig, channel_t chans[])
 get all channel data
int rig_copy_channel (RIG *rig, channel_t *dest, const channel_t *src)
int rig_set_mem_all_cb (RIG *rig, chan_cb_t chan_cb, confval_cb_t parm_cb, char *arg)
 set all channel and non-channel data by call-back
int rig_get_mem_all_cb (RIG *rig, chan_cb_t chan_cb, confval_cb_t parm_cb, char *arg)
 get all channel and non-channel data by call-back
int rig_set_mem_all (RIG *rig, const channel_t chans[], const struct confparams cfgps[], const value_t vals[])
 set all channel and non-channel data
int rig_get_mem_all (RIG *rig, channel_t chans[], const struct confparams cfgps[], value_t vals[])
 get all channel and non-channel data
const chan_trig_lookup_mem_caps (RIG *rig, int ch)
 lookup the memory type and capabilities
int rig_mem_count (RIG *rig)
 get memory channel count

Detailed Description

Memory and channel interface.

Stephane Fillod

Hamlib interface is a frontend implementing wrapper functions.

 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines

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Hamlib documentation for version 1.2.15 -- Thu Feb 2 2012 21:37:28
Project page: http://www.hamlib.org